Oxford University Press (2016) ‘4.2.2: Plurals’, New Oxford style manual, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Make sure they are appropriate for your content’s context, purpose and tone.Īdd an apostrophe and ‘s’ to show possession for shortened forms. Only use shortened forms if users will understand them. There are 4 types of shortened forms: abbreviations, contractions, acronyms and initialisms. Add an apostrophe and ‘s’ to form possessive shortened forms Style Manual recognises ‘workers compensation’ in the first example as a descriptive phrase.Īlthough not recommended style, we acknowledge that the house styles of some government agencies require an apostrophe when using the phrase in this way. In the last 2 examples, the distinction between descriptive and possessive is subtle.

Under the award, our workers’ compensation for working overtime is time off in lieu.Each state and territory has its own regulator to administer workers compensation.The officer asked to see the driver’s licence.

There are possession rules for using an apostrophe, according to the type of noun. The apostrophe goes straight after the noun that is the answer. To correctly show possession by using an apostrophe, first ask, ‘Who or what is doing the possessing?’ Follow the possession rules for different types of nouns